APMA submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), expressing significant concerns about the proposed changes to existing Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) on Thursday, March 6.
APMA, AMA, and 90 other health-care societies signed on to a letter, urging Congress to pass the “Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act” (H.R. 879). This legislation would cancel the 2.83-percent cut to Medicare physician payment and provide a 2-percent payment increase, stabilizing practices and ensuring Medicare patients can continue to receive care.
Learn more about Talar Medical, APMA's preferred group purchasing organization.
All seven Part B Medicare Contractors have finalized local coverage determinations (LCDs) that will govern the provision of skin substitute grafts/cellular and tissue-based products to Medicare Part B beneficiaries when used for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers. As of March 4, these policies are still scheduled to take effect April 13, 2025.
The code descriptors for commonly used DME-related HCPCS codes L:1932, L1933, L1951, and L1952 will change effective April 1. These positive changes eliminate the need to use HCPCS L2999 (Lower extremity orthoses, not otherwise specified) when these items are dispensed "off-the-shelf.”
Recently APMA provided feedback to the Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM) Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review Committee (PRMR) regarding its posted 2024–25 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List Recommendations. As APMA has continued and significant concerns with the Non-Pressure Ulcers Cost Measure, we urged CMS to not finalize this measure.
Members can now view all performance category webinars for the MIPS 2025 Performance Year, available at www.apma.org/mipswebinars.
APMA is thrilled to announce that six components will receive 2025 Center for Professional Advocacy (CPA) Financial Assistance Grants. These grants are an important part of APMA’s scope-of-practice initiatives, which include the Innovation Grant program.
On Monday, APMA submitted comments to CMS on the Advance Notice of Methodological Changes for Calendar Year (CY) 2026 for Medicare Advantage (MA) Capitation Rates and Part C and Part D Payment Policies.
Check out these two exciting writing competitions for podiatric students, residents, and fellows—one focusing on physician well-being and financial literacy, the other on general podiatric topics—that offer great prizes and recognition. Don’t miss out!
CMS has announced that an automatic MIPS exception will be applied to MIPS eligible clinicians in designated counties of California in response to recent wildfires.
Are you a student or resident interested in learning more about APMA’s governance? The APMA DEI Committee is offering three HOD Observer scholarships for students and residents to attend the APMA House of Delegates (HOD) in Washington, DC, March 14–16.
APMA submitted three comment letters in January. Two addressed potential changes in future MIPS performance years, and one was in response to the proposed rule for the 2026 CY Medicare Advantage Part D Policy.
All seven Part B MACs have delayed the effective date of their new skin substitute local coverage determinations (LCDs) until April 13 without changing any of the content of those policies.
Podiatric physicians, so long as they meet the requirements to participate in the settlement, are eligible to receive funds from the settlement. APMA is reviewing the settlement terms and will update members as appropriate.
Accurate coding is crucial for practices to ensure proper reimbursements and reduce the risk of claim denials. This seminar equips viewers with the knowledge to navigate coding complexities with confidence.
APMA’s Center for Professional Advocacy (CPA) awarded six grants in the amount of $1,000 each for the 2025 CPA Innovation Grant cycle. Components awarded include the District of Columbia, Florida, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Ohio, and South Carolina.
In December 2024, APMA submitted comments to both the Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM) and CMS Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review Committee providing feedback regarding the Non-Pressure Ulcers episode-based cost measure currently under development.
APMA acknowledges the importance of the recently passed continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown. However, we are profoundly disappointed that the resolution failed to address the imminent physician fee cuts under the Medicare program—a decision that leaves health-care providers across the country feeling disheartened, undervalued, and deeply concerned about their ability to sustain care for patients.
Providers impacted by the Change Healthcare cyberattack may apply for a hardship exception from MIPS participation in 2024. Additionally, CMS is applying an automatic 2024 MIPS exception to certain MIPS-eligible clinicians impacted by Hurricanes Milton, Helene, and Francine.