About APMA

Dr. Block Receives Distinguished Service Citation

  • Mar 16, 2025

On Sunday, Barry Block, DPM, JD, was awarded APMA’s highest honor, the Distinguished Service Citation. This award is given in recognition of outstanding sustained accomplishments on the national level in scientific, professional, or civic endeavors.

Barry Block, DPM, has fostered an unparalleled platform for conversation and collaboration within the profession. For more than 30 years, PM News has published the news, debates, and discussions that have shaped our community. The PM Hall of Fame Luncheon contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the APMA Educational Foundation. As editor of PM News and Podiatry Management magazine, Dr. Block has further distinguished an already noteworthy career.

Dr. Block served in the APMA House of Delegates for more than three decades, sitting on the Resolutions Committee and Resolutions Review Subcommittee for many years. He also served APMA’s Membership Committee and was general editor of the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. Dr. Block is the founder of the APMA affiliate the American Podiatric Medical Writers’ Association.

He has been an adjunct professor at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine for nearly 40 years and received the NYCPM Alumni Award in 2003. He has been a frequent lecturer and has published more than 400 articles and editorials.

In nominating Dr. Block for this award, Bret Ribotsky, DPM, wrote, “his commitment to advancing podiatric medicine is evident in every aspect of his work and has left an indelible mark on our community.”

Dr. Block, thank you for your years of dedication and service to our profession, and congratulations on receiving the Distinguished Service Citation.

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