About APMA

CMS DMEPOS Site Inspection Tracking Form

  • Mar 4, 2024

CMS is obligated to conduct site investigations for those who are enrolled as DMEPOS suppliers in the Medicare program. These site investigations are designed to prevent illegal activity such as fraud and abuse. Through APMA’s participation in the DMEMAC Jurisdictional Councils, APMA has learned that some of the DMEPOS suppliers have experienced inappropriate actions taken by some of these site investigators. CMS is aware of this issue and has requested to hear more from the National Supplier Clearinghouse Advisory Committee (NSCAC) about these experiences. As a result, the NSCAC has created an online tracking form for anyone who has had a troubling experience with site investigators. If you suspect your site inspector did not conduct themselves appropriately, you can submit an anonymous complaint to CMS from the DME Council via this form. CMS has offered to review these complaints and respond to the DME Council.

ACTION: If you have had a recent site visit issue(s), access the site inspection tracking form as soon as possible so that the DME Jurisdictional Councils can share some recent examples with CMS.  

At the start of your inspection, you should note the name of the inspector and the date and time of the inspection. Note any inappropriate behavior by the inspector and which National Provider Enrollment (NPE) Medicare contractor is processing enrollment applications, NPE EAST or NPE West (new contractors that took over for NSC).

NOTE: Please make sure to bookmark this form for future use. The NSCAC will continue to track the site visit issues moving forward.

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