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APMA 2025 CPA Grant Application Cycle Opens on June 1!

  • May 7, 2024

APMA's Center for Professional Advocacy (CPA) invites state component leaders to apply for 2025 grants via the CPA Financial Assistance Grant and Innovation Grant programs. The deadline for both applications is September 15.

The CPA Financial Assistance Grants are larger, broad grants, meant to provide direct financial support to a state component society for its legal, state legislative, and regulatory initiatives. Alabama Podiatric Medical Association (ALPMA), a recent recipient of this grant, used the grant in part to fund its successful and hard-fought efforts to modernize the Alabama scope-of-practice statute. Up to five states are eligible to receive up to $10,000 each.

Innovation Grants are smaller and narrower in application, designed to incentivize state component leaders to develop innovative advocacy initiatives to advance the profession. CPA hopes states will explore new and creative techniques that will move the profession forward and can be replicated in other states. 

State components may use innovation grants to:

  • update their scope law to better align with APMA's scope-of-practice template;
  • change state law to define DPMs as physicians; or
  • educate payers, policymakers, and MD/DOs about the podiatric medical profession.

Up to 10 state components will receive $1,000 each for their initiative. Components in past years have used the grant to build relationships with legislators (New Mexico) define DPMs at podiatric physicians in state law (Maryland), allow DPMs to supervise nurse practitioners and physician assistants (Wisconsin), and more! 

For more information about either of these grant programs, or to learn more about other financial and technical assistance available to state components with their advocacy initiatives, email?CPA staff at?advocacy@apma.org

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