The 23rd Annual CAC-PIAC Representatives Meeting was held in Alexandria, VA, on Friday, November 10. More than 50 volunteer member leaders from across the country gathered for education and collaboration. Your CAC and PIAC representatives are your frontline defense for reimbursement issues in your state.
Attendees heard timely presentations on the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule, MIPS, private insurance trends, and DME. It also included broad group discussions about public and private insurance issues.
Particular emphasis was placed on the MIPS program. Based on a pre-meeting survey, the majority of respondents are unprepared for the renewed focus on the program in 2024 and the increased threshold to avoid penalties. On the private insurance side, many members are still expressing concerns about the -25 and -59 modifiers.
During the meeting, Brent Harwood, DPM, was honored with the Franklin Kase, DPM, CAC-PIAC Representative of the Year award. Dr. Harwood has served in his role as CAC and PIAC representative for Alabama for more than 20 years. In addition to his decades of service fighting reimbursement battles, he was instrumental in the recent victory modernizing the Alabama scope of practice to include ankle privileges.
A more in-depth summary of the meeting will be published in APMA News. Expect to hear more results from the meeting from your CAC and PIAC representatives.