About APMA

New Same or Similar Member Resource

  • Aug 14, 2023

APMA is excited to share a new addition to our Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Same or Similar resources for members. DME experts Paul Kesselman, DPM, and Jordan Stewart, DPM, teamed up to deliver a new recorded resource, “Same or Similar.” These brief presentations are the start of a comprehensive look at the intricacies of navigating "Same or Similar" issues.

Two sessions are available online now, with the first session providing a detailed introduction to the topic, while the second session addressing how providers supplying DME can check a Medicare patient’s same or similar status. The upcoming third session will focus on appealing same or similar denials. APMA created this resource to equip members with the necessary tools and knowledge to make informed decisions in their practice. View the two recorded sessions now at apma.org/sameorsimilar and apma.org/coding.

APMA thanks Drs. Kesselman and Stewart for their invaluable insights, and we look forward to sharing the third session, "Appealing Same or Similar," with you soon. See all of APMA’s DME resources at www.apma.org/DME. Questions or concerns? Contact the APMA Health Policy and Practice department at healthpolicy.hpp@apma.org.  

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