About APMA

Call to Action: DEA MATE Act

  • Sep 25, 2023

The US House and Senate are set to vote soon on a bill that includes language addressing the DEA license renewal issue that was created with passage of the MATE Act late last year. APMA’s Legislative Advocacy team has been working to address this problem with the family physicians, optometrists, and general dentists, all of whom were also left out of the MATE Act. We are pleased to announce that Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) and Rep. Lori Trahan (D-MA), the original sponsors of the MATE Act, have introduced language to fix the error, and they have successfully attached the legislation to a bill moving toward a vote.

Please use APMA’s eAdvocacy website and send our pre-written message about this issue to your legislators to raise their awareness and request support for passage. The votes are anticipated as early as this week, so time is of the essence! Please act today!

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