About APMA

APMA Supports Accurate Coding Terminology at CPT® Meeting

  • Feb 6, 2023

Updated February 5, 2024

APMA representatives participated in the CPT® Editorial Panel meeting February 1-3, in San Diego, CA. APMA was represented at this meeting by CPT Advisor Dr Ira Kraus and Health Policy Advisor Dr Jeffrey Lehrman. As recently reported in the APMA Weekly Focus, Sarah Abshier, DPM was also in attendance as she was recently appointed to serve a four-year term representing the Health Care Professional Advisory Committee (HCPAC) on the CPT Editorial Panel. The CPT® Editorial Panel ensures that CPT® codes reflect the latest medical care available to patients. Learn more about these codes on the AMA website.

CPT codes are created, deleted, and modified through the processes that take place at these meetings, which occur three times a year. At these meetings, APMA attendees may caucus with related specialty groups, provide input on relevant codes, and participate in votes on proposed code changes. Your APMA representatives participate to protect podiatrists’ interests and also to protect the integrity of the code set.

APMA representatives also attended the AMA Relative Value-Based Update Committee (RUC) meeting January 17-20 in Coronado, CA, including Brooke Bisbee, DPM (APMA Trustee and RUC Advisor), Susan Walsh, DPM (RUC Alternate Advisor), and Andrei Pavelescu, DPM (Health Policy & Practice Committee Member, observing).  For more information on how CPT codes are created and reviewed, view this recent installment of the APMA Coding Refreshers Series.

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