Committee appointments are considered by the Board of Trustees during its December meeting and go into effect at the close of the 2025 House of Delegates.
Below are the charges of each committee. Questions regarding the committee nomination process should be directed to Stephanie Simmons.
After appointments are made:
If appointed, eligibility for service on APMA committees is contingent upon completion and return of the following forms:
Completed forms can either be emailed or faxed to Brandi Davenport. The fax number is 301-571-9549. Emailed forms must have an electronic signature. The committee reference manual serves as a resource for all committee members irrespective of their position on the committee. Questions regarding reference manual content should be directed to Stephanie Simmons.
Any questions related to expense reimbursement for current committee members who are eligible related to a face-to-face committee meeting should be directed to your committee's staff liaison.
CHAIR: Bradley L. Jimerson, DPM, LA
Seth A. Rubenstein, DPM, VA
Marc D. Jones, DPM, FS
Gretchen A. Lawrence, DPM, NC
Brennen L. O'Dell, DPM, MI
Staff Liaison: Meghan McClelland, MBA, and Stephanie R. Simmons
Charge: Reviews and makes recommendations to the House of Delegates regarding petitions submitted by organizations seeking recognition as APMA affiliates in accordance with the APMA Bylaws and Administrative Procedures. Reviews annual reports submitted by recognized affiliates and makes recommendations in accordance with the APMA Bylaws and Administrative Procedures.
Work Load: Primarily reviews current affiliated/related organization membership rosters to ensure compliance with APMA's dual membership requirement.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: One to two times per year (virtual), 30-minute meeting preparation, and one 1–1.5 hour conference call in the evening.
Specific questions related to the Affiliate Review Committee should be directed to Stephanie Simmons.
Randy K. Kaplan, DPM, Chair
Janet Simon, DPM, Vice-Chair
Michael J. Cornelison, DPM, Secretary
Michael A. Conway, DPM, Treasurer
Rami Basatneh, DPM, Young Physician Liaison
Javan Bass, DPM
Sierra Clark, APMSA Liaison
Odin de los Reyes, DPM
Karen Lambert, Florida, Executive Director Liaison
William S. Long, DPM, APMA BOT Liaison
Samuel Nava, DPM, ACFAS Liaison
Derek Pantiel, DPM
Sandra Raynor, DPM
Thomas S. Godfryd, DPM, Chair Emeritus
Barney A. Greenberg, DPM, Chair Emeritus
Gerald D. Peterson, DPM, Chair Emeritus
Staff Liaison: Chad Appel, JD, CAE
Specific questions related to the APMAPAC should be directed to Chad Appel, JD, CAE.
Membership is confidential.
Staff Liaison: Stephanie R. Simmons
Charge: Reviews and revises criteria and nominations process for major APMA awards, solicits nominees, and recommends awardees to the board.
Work Load: Reviews submitted applications in advance of meeting and considers if any changes need to be proposed to the Awards and Recognition Procedures.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Once a year, virtual one-hour conference call in the evening.
Specific questions related to the Awards and Recognition Committee should be directed to Stephanie Simmons.
CHAIR: Seth A. Rubenstein, DPM, VA (2028)
Patricia A. Moore, DPM, IN (2026)
James A. Whelan, DPM, WI (2027)
Stephen C. Schmid, DPM, MN (2026)
Danielle M. Green-Watson, DPM, GA (2028)
Timothy H. Tillo, DPM, FS, ex-officio
OBSERVER: Timothy J. Miller, DPM, FL
Staff Liaison: Meghan McClelland, MBA, and Stephanie R. Simmons
Charge: Advises BOT and HOD on all matters affecting bylaws, administrative procedures, and HOD operational manual when those matters are referred. Acts as reference committee on bylaws, administrative procedures, HOD operations manual, and standing rules of the house.
Work Load: Discusses/drafts proposed changes to governance documents as needed and/or directed, and reviews proposed changes submitted for consideration by the HOD.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: One to two times per year depending on volume and content of proposed changes, 30-minute meeting preparation, and and 1–3 one-hour conference calls in the evening; attendance at HOD. Virtual hearing in conjunction with HOD meeting and attendance at HOD.
Specific questions related to the Bylaws, Procedures, and Rules Committee should be directed to Stephanie Simmons.
CHAIR: Jondelle B. Jenkins, DPM, IL
Timothy P. Cheung, DPM, CT, Young Physician
Courtney E. McClurkin, DPM, TX, State Component Leader
Diana E. Rogers, DPM, FL, State Component Leader
Mike Barth, PA, ASPE Representative
Libby Maynard, MA, ASPE Representative
Patrick A. DeHeer, DPM, BOT Liaison
OBSERVER: Michael J. Morse, DPM, DC
OBSERVER: Austin P. Matthews, DPM, WY
Staff Liaisons: Gail M. Reese, JD
Charge: Provides direction for legal, regulatory, and state legislative advocacy activities that advance the podiatric medical profession. Develops resources and provides support to resolve conflicts commonly confronted by APMA members and state components. Focuses its efforts and resources on issues that have national impact and broad-based consequences for the profession.
Specific questions related to the Center for Professional Advocacy Advisory Group should be directed to Gail M. Reese, JD.
CHAIR: David J. Freedman, DPM, MD
Alan L. Bass, DPM, NJ
Mark S. Block, DPM, FL
Frank L. Lepore, DPM, FL
Barbara J. Lee, DPM, NY
Jonathan K. Huey, DPM, CA
Meredith W. Dickson, DPM, NC
Andrew Pavelescu, DPM, FL
Sarah M. Abshier, DPM, OH
Zack K. Janes, DPM, IL, Young Physician
Richard A. Dellinger, DPM, AR, CPT Alternate Advisor
Susan Walsh, DPM, MA, RUC Advisor
Scott E. Hughes, DPM, BOT Liaison
Staff Liaison: Chad Appel, JD, CAE
Charge: Evaluates coding policy as it affects podiatric medicine and educates the membership on current coding issues. Acts in the capacity of adviser to the membership, assisting members in obtaining the tools to improve their coding skills. Evaluates projects by considering their impact on APMA members as practicing podiatrists. Increases the awareness of CC members of available coding publications. Evaluates the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) to assure that code combinations presented are consistent with quality patient care. Recommends change to current CPT codes that do not adequately address the procedures they represent. Furthers the interaction between the CC and other specialty society coding committees through involvement with the AMA CPT process. Provides and assists in the writing and presentation of current coding issues that address the needs of the membership. Participates in writing and disseminating coding newsletters and manuals to assist the membership. Works in conjunction with HSC, HPC, and other APMA committees when significant issues arise that require CC assistance. When applicable, provides clarification on coding issues to payers. Assists with coding issues that require periodic evaluation.
Specific questions related to the Coding Committee should be directed to Chad Appel, JD, CAE.
CHAIR: Priya Parthasarathy, DPM, MD
Sarah N. Standish, DPM, IN
Ashleigh W. Medda, DPM, NC
Sari J. Priesand, DPM, MI
K. Kyle Ballew, DPM, TX
Isaiah Tates, DPM, PA
Sindu Srinivas, DPM, FS
Nicholas R. Butler, DPM, OH, Young Physician
Elizabeth B. Daughtry, DPM, NC
Saylee Tulpule, DPM, DC
Nishit Vora, DPM, MPH, FL
Identified by ASPE
Holly A. Spohn-Gross, DPM, BOT Liaison
SPECIAL EXPERT (sports medicine): Alexander Kor, DPM, IN
OBSERVER: Steffi Casimir
Staff Liaison: Peggy S. Tresky, MA
Charge: Oversees, reviews, and contributes to internal and external APMA communications including campaign, patient, and member-focused materials (both print and online). Ensures content is medically accurate and consistent with the practice of today’s podiatrist. Provides timely medical insight and feedback on all communications efforts.
Work Load: The committee provides a platform for creativity, to generate traffic to podiatrists’ offices, and to increase the understanding of podiatric medicine and surgery among the public, the media, and other health-care providers.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Three to four times per year, two are virtual sessions of 2 to 3 hours, two are evening conference calls for one hour.
Specific questions related to the Communications Committee should be directed to Peggy S. Tresky, MA.
CHAIR: William S. Long, DPM, BOT
David B. Alper, DPM, BOT
Robert M. Sage, DPM, BOT
Robert Frimmel, DPM, FL
Patrick A. DeHeer, DPM, BOT
Meghan McClelland, MBA, Executive Director
Marlene Reid, DPM, IL
SPECIAL EXPERT (Resource): Barbara J. Aung, DPM, AZ
SPECIAL EXPERT (Resource): Bradley L. Jimerson, DPM, LA
Staff Liaison: Tina Carter
Charge: Determines corporate funding priorities for APMA programs. Pursues efforts to garner and solicit nondues income. Assists in prioritizing funding requests considered by the APMA Educational
Work Load: Development is charged with soliciting and securing non-dues income to support APMA’s financial health. Make connections with industry partners, introduce staff, and help to facilitate strong relationships with potential supporters. Visit with exhibitors and sponsors at the annual meeting.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Three to four times per year for one-hour virtual meetings, one-hour meeting on-site at the annual meeting.
Specific questions related to the Development Committee should be directed to Tina Carter.
CHAIR: William Harris, IV, DPM, SC
Arwa Akram, DPM, FS, Young Physician
Maria M. Buitrago, DPM, TX
Gretchen A. Lawrence, DPM, NC
Tyson E. Green, DPM, LA
Thanh L. Dinh, DPM, MA, ACFAS Liaison
Janet Simon, DPM, NM
Caroline N. Mpande, DPM, FS
Haley Johnson, DPM, TX
Elizabeth A. Ansert, DPM, LA
Jean T. Chen-Vitulli, DPM, NY, PPHC Liaison
Sara Baaser, APMSA Liaison
Identified by SNPMA
Identified by AAWP
Identified by NMA
Identified by DICE
Identified by AACPM
Leslie Campbell, DPM, BOT Liaison
ADVISOR: Lawrence B. Harkless, DPM, TX
OBSERVER: Jimmie E. Lewis III
OBSERVER: Roshni Patel, DPM, IL
Staff Liaisons: Will Scott; Kathy L. Balderson; and Chad Appel, JD, CAE
Charge: Evaluates the feasibility of and implements the recommendations of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. Evaluates and ensures diversity, equity, and inclusion perspectives and efforts are incorporated into all aspects of APMA. Increases awareness and importance of understanding implicit bias and cultural competence in the delivery of podiatric medical and surgical care.
Work Load: The majority of our tasks are within the four subcommittees, which include Communications, Data & Research, Education, and Policy & Procedures. Analyzing membership data to discuss areas for improvement, providing webinars and other educational materials to membership and use various communications platforms to highlight APMA’s diverse membership, DEI resources and initiatives.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Every other month on the last Tuesday, one-hour virtual meetings. Tasks are given before or after the main committee meetings on various DEI topics.
Specific questions related to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee should be directed to Will Scott.
CHAIR: Patrick R. Burns, DPM, WV
Patrick A. DeHeer, DPM, BOT, President-Elect
Karen A. Langone, DPM, NY
David B. Alper, DPM, BOT
David M. Schweibish, DPM, FL
Timothy J. Miller, DPM, FL, Young Physician
Barbara J. Lee, DPM, NY, Coding Committee member
Colin M. Mizuo, DPM, FS
Sarah N. Standish, DPM, IN, Communications Committee member
Lauren A. Wurster, DPM, BOT Liaison
William S. Long, DPM, BOT, Development Chair
Ellianne M. Nasser, DPM, PA
Nicholas J. Faiver, DPM, CT
Summer R. Weary, DPM, TN, local member for the 2026 ASM
ADVISOR: Robert Frimmel, DPM, FL Chair Emeritus
OBSERVER: Arman A. Kirakosian, DPM, CA
Staff Liaisons: Kathy L. Balderson; Tina Carter; Tiffany A. Kildale, CAE; Meghan McClelland, MBA; Will Scott; Chad Appel, JD, CAE; Dyane E. Tower, DPM, MPH, MS, CAE; and Peggy S. Tresky, MA
Charge: Ensures the continuity for APMA’s overall program of continuing education by conducting an annual needs assessment and review of all continuing education activities. The committee is responsible for oversight in planning, implementing, coordinating, and evaluating all continuing education activities of the association including but not limited to the annual scientific meeting, live in-person seminars, internet live webinars, and on-demand activities providing continuing education contact hours (CECH) in podiatric medicine.
Work Load: Review educational program materials before each meeting, make recommendations for the educational programs, review on-demand educational activities for compliance with CPME 720, and annually submit a needs assessment/gap analysis form.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Three virtual meetings per year, 60–90 minutes each. A couple hours of light work between meetings. Other meetings may be scheduled as needed.
Specific questions related to the Education Committee should be directed to Kathy L. Balderson.
CHAIR: Brooke A. Bisbee, DPM, BOT, President
Patrick A. DeHeer, DPM, BOT, President-elect
Scott E. Hughes, DPM, BOT, Treasurer
Lawrence A. Santi, DPM, BOT, Immediate Past President
Staff Liaison: Meghan McClelland, MBA
Charge: Facilitates an ongoing strategic planning process and annual operational planning process. Reviews and makes recommendations to the board concerning matters affecting APMA real estate decisions. Coordinates the evaluation of the APMA Executive Director. Designs and conducts a periodic self-assessment process, reviews complaints directed at board member conduct, considers disciplinary actions concerning committee members, considers and recommends to the board modification in the Policies, Procedures, and Orientation Manual, resolves disputes concerning reimbursement requests of board members. Recommends general policy about the APMA website, including, but not limited to, public information, member information, CME offerings, links to other sites, e-commerce, advertising, new technology, and overall design. Considers other matters delegated to it by the board. Provides timely prior notification of all Executive Committee meetings to the full board.
*Composed solely of officers of the board.
Specific questions related to the Executive Committee should be directed to Meghan McClelland, MBA.
CHAIR: Scott E. Hughes, DPM, BOT
Arman Kirakosian, DPM, CA
Shahzad S. Ghori, DPM, GA
Maria A. Branca, DPM, NY
Patrick A. DeHeer, DPM, BOT
Leslie Campbell, DPM, BOT
Luci Ridolfo, CAE, OH
OBSERVER: Phillip E. Ward, DPM, NC
Staff Liaison: Sara Greaves, CPA, MBA
Charge: Considers and reviews proposed budget and revisions, appropriations, and expenditures.
Work Load: Budget and investment reports are submitted to the committee on a quarterly basis for their review.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Three to four times per year, one-hour conference calls, Reference Meeting in person at the HOD. Materials are provided at least four days before the calls.
Specific questions related to the Finance Committee should be directed to Sara Greaves, CPA, MBA.
CHAIR: Steven J. Merckx, DPM, WI
Nicholas A. D'Angelo, DPM, NY
Renee E. Shepherd-Smith, DPM, NC
Andrew Pavelescu, DPM, FL
Christian A. Robertozzi, DPM, NJ
Barbara J. Aung, DPM, AZ
David A. Yeager, DPM, IL
Anna K. Weber, DPM, CO
William Harris, IV, DPM, SC, PIAC Representative
Selin S. Ruggieri, DPM, DC, Young Physician
Jodie N. Sengstock, DPM, MI, CAC Chair
Susan M. Walsh, DPM, MA, RUC Liaison
Ira H. Kraus, DPM, TN, CPT Liaison
Robert M. Sage, DPM, BOT Liaison
SPECIAL EXPERT: Edward N. Prikaszczikow, DPM, IA
OBSERVER: Camellia Russell, PA
Staff Liaison: Chad Appel, JD, CAE
Charge: The committee develops policies, programs, and other activities to position the doctor of podiatric medicine as the recognized foot and ankle care specialist within public and private health-care delivery and financing systems. Advocates federal administrative agencies, private insurance plans, and other health care delivery systems to end barriers to services provided by podiatrists, to foster better access to medically necessary care by podiatrists, and for fair and equitable payment for podiatrists. Advises the APMA Board of Trustees on matters affecting the profession, including those associated with Medicare, Medicaid, and related federal health policy and private insurance issues.
Specific questions related to the Health Policy and Practice Committee should be directed to Chad Appel, JD, CAE.
Private Insurance Subcommittee
CHAIR: William Harris, IV, DPM, SC
Nicholas A. D'Angelo, DPM, NY
Andrew Pavelescu, DPM, FL
David A. Yeager, DPM, IL
Anna K. Weber, DPM, CO
Steven J. Merckx, DPM, WI, HPPC Chair, ex-officio
Patrick A. DeHeer, DPM, BOT Liaison, ex-officio
Robert M. Sage, DPM, BOT Liaison, ex-officio
Staff Liaisons: Chad Appel, JD, CAE and Gail M. Reese, JD
Charge: Advises full committee on issues related to private insurance plans, including but not limited to, preferred practice organizations (PPOs), employer insurance carriers, health maintenance organizations, commercial accountable care organization and other alternative health-care delivery and payment systems. Develops and/or recommends resources to help educate members on private insurance plans and policies, and recommends marketing activities to promote the professional within private insurance plans.
Medicare and Public Payer Subcommittee
CHAIR: Christian A. Robertozzi, DPM, NJ
Barbara J. Aung, DPM, AZ
Renee E. Shepherd-Smith, DPM, NC
Selin S. Ruggieri, DPM, DC
Jodie N. Sengstock, DPM, MI, CAC Chair
Steven J. Merckx, DPM, WI, HPPC Chair, ex-officio
Ira H. Kraus, DPM, TN, CPT Liaison, ex-officio
Susan M. Walsh, DPM, MA, RUC Liaison
Robert M. Sage, DPM, BOT Liaison, ex-officio
Staff Liaisons: Chad Appel, JD, CAE and Gail M. Reese, JD
Charge: Advises the full committee on issues related to public payer plans and federal health policy, including Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s Affairs, and Tricare. Reviews and provides advice on national coverage determinations and develop positions for NCDs. Offers guidance to Contractor Advisory Committee representatives (CAC) on local coverage determinations. Recommends the development of resources and educational materials to foster member understanding of public payer reimbursement and compliance issues.
DME Workgroup
COORDINATOR: Paul A. Kesselman, DPM, NY
Jordan R. Stewart, DPM, MD
Josh White, DPM, NY
Steven J. Merckx, DPM, WI, HPPC Chair, ex-officio
William Harris, IV, DPM, SC, Private Insurance Subcommittee Chair, ex-officio
Christian A. Robertozzi, DPM, NJ, Medicare and Public Payer Subcommittee Chair, ex-officio
Robert M. Sage, DPM, HPPC BOT Liaison, ex-officio
Staff Liaison: Chad Appel, JD, CAE
Charge: Advises the full committee on issues related to public payer plans and federal health policy, including Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s Affairs, and Tricare. Reviews and provides advice on national coverage determinations and develop positions for NCDs. Offers guidance to Contractor Advisory Committee representatives (CAC) on local coverage determinations. Recommends the development of resources and educational materials to foster member understanding of public payer reimbursement and compliance issues.
CHAIR: Holly A. Spohn-Gross, DPM, BOT
Kiana R. Trent, DPM, MD
Austin P. Matthews, DPM, WY
David M. Schweibish, DPM, FL
Rami Basatneh, DPM, TX
Jodie N. Sengstock, DPM, MI
Roy R. DeFrancis, DPM, NY
Samuel R. Gorelik, DPM, MA, Young Physician
Karen A. Langone, DPM, NY
Randy K. Kaplan, MI, APMAPAC Chair
Nicholas Vang, APMSA Liaison
OBSERVER: Madison Ferrer, TX
Staff Liaison: Chad Appel, JD, CAE
Charge: Reviews federal legislation and its impact on podiatric medical practices and patients, advises the Board of Trustees concerning federal legislative priorities and recommends related policy and actions to the Board, ensures implementation of policies and actions, facilitates partnerships with other health care organizations for the advancement of APMA’s legislative agenda, updates the Board and membership on federal legislative issues and activities in order to further engage APMA members in the political process.
Work Volume: There is a “policy subcommittee” whose members are tasked with reviewing legislation each month to make recommendations back to the full committee to support/oppose proposed legislation, and they are asked to weigh in on any requests to add APMA to group sign-on letters to Congress regarding proposed legislation.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Monthly meetings, meets on the third Monday for one hour. Total time commitment for this additional work can be anywhere from 30 minutes to an extra hour per month. One in-person meeting held at the Legislative Conference after HOD.
Specific questions related to the Legislative Committee should be directed to Chad Appel, JD, CAE.
CHAIR: Jane E. Andersen, DPM, BOT
Renee L. Woo, DPM, CA
Michelle L. Butterworth, DPM, SC
Brennen L. O'Dell, DPM, MI, Young Physician
Patrick M. Robinson, DPM, TX
Grace E. Torres Hodges, DPM, FL
Tyler Daley, APMSA Representative
Identified by ASPE
Leslie Campbell, DPM, BOT Liaison
OBSERVER: Joshua L. Moore, DPM, OH
Staff Liaisons: Tiffany A. Kildale, CAE
Charge: Maintains and builds membership. Assesses membership services and makes recommendations to BOT. Maintains liaisons with APMSA.
Work Load: This committee serves as a forum for discussing and shaping engagement initiatives, as well as identifying any deficiencies in our current processes.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Bi-monthly, may be less or more depending on priorities. Virtual meetings, one hour in the evening.
Specific questions related to the Membership Committee should be directed to Tiffany A. Kildale, CAE.
Membership is confidential.
Staff Liaison: Kathy L. Balderson
Charge: Reviews applications and recommends action on Seal of Approval, Seal of Acceptance, and Recognition Award programs. Advises BOT on policy matters referred to it regarding podiatric materials and therapeutics.
Work Load: Throughout the course of the year, the committee completes a significant amount of work. The committee will be evaluating and testing over 120 products.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Once a year, Requires a significant amount of time, everything done independently with clear deadlines for each product review.
Specific questions related to the Podiatric Seals Committee should be directed to Kathy L. Balderson.
CHAIR: Elizabeth A. Ansert, DPM, LA
Timothy J. Miller, DPM, FL
Jean T. Chen-Vitulli, DPM, NY
Sara Davidovich, DPM, NY, Young Physician
Janet Simon, DPM, NM
Rachel H. Albright, DPM, MPH, CT, Chair of the APHA Foot and Ankle Health Section
Lasya P. Anand, Liaison to APHA
David B. Alper, DPM, BOT Liaison
SPECIAL EXPERT: Mohammad A. Araghiniknam, DPM, MI
SPECIAL EXPERT: Matthew L. Diamond, DPM, IL
Staff Liaison: Dyane E. Tower, DPM, MPH, MS, CAE
Charge: Stimulates and develops podiatric involvement in public health programs. Assists components in public health issues. Extends efforts which will increase podiatric representation in both administrative and advisory capacities among public health programs at the national level.
Work Load: The general direction of committee work is dictated by committee members. Committee work is typically comprised of offering support to APMA public health-related continuing education endeavors, providing comments on relevant requests for information, updating APMA population health-related resources, providing public health engagement opportunities, and more.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Four to six times per year, one hour virtually, occasional light work performed asynchronously via email between virtual meetings.
Specific questions related to the Podiatric Population Health Committee should be directed to Dyane E. Tower, DPM, MPH, MS, CAE.
CHAIR: Rachel H. Albright, DPM, MPH, CT
Thanh L. Dinh, DPM, MA
Rebecca A. Sundling, DPM, MPH, MI
Stephen J. Merena, DPM, VT
Colin M. Mizuo, DPM, FS
James S. Wrobel, DPM, MS, FL
Timothy P. Cheung, DPM, PhD, CT
Daniel D. Lowe, DPM, MI
Ksenja Llazar, DPM, NY
Adam E. Fleischer, DPM, MPH, IL
Andrew J. Meyr, DPM, PA
Niral A. Patel, DPM, IN
Lee C. Rogers, DPM, TX
Camille P. Ryans, DPM, MPH, FS
Jennifer A. Skolnik, DPM, MA, Young Physician
Patrick A. DeHeer, DPM, BOT Liaison
SPECIAL EXPERT: Elizabeth A. Sanders, DPM, MA
ADVISOR: Jeff A. Ross, DPM, MD, TX, Chair Emeritus
OBSERVER: Ron Raducanu, DPM, NJ
Staff Liaison: Dyane E. Tower, DPM, MPH, MS, CAE
Charge: Addresses questions and facilitates discussion about issues affecting the general practice of podiatric medicine and surgery. Produces and supports publishable research, including research demonstrating the value of podiatric medicine and surgery. Monitors research activities in podiatric medicine and surgery.
Work Load: This committee is fluid and depends on the current research efforts at APMA and current research being published. If research projects are being conducted, smaller groups of committee members may meet more frequently to accomplish specific research project tasks and goals. Access to full-text peer-reviewed publications (i.e., academic institution library access) is ideal but not required.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Two to six times per year, one hour. There is moderate to heavy literature review/annotated bibliography/research work performed asynchronously via email between virtual meetings. Other brief virtual meetings may be scheduled as needed.
Specific questions related to the Clinical Practice Advisory Committee should be directed to Dyane E. Tower, DPM, MPH, MS, CAE.
CHAIR: Lauren A. Wurster, DPM, BOT
Alan Block, DPM, BOT
Jane E. Andersen, DPM, BOT
Tyler Daley, APMSA liaison to the APMA BOT
TBD, APMA student member representing Arizona College
TBD, APMA student member representing Barry University
Jaquine N. Egbon, APMA student member representing Des Moines
JoAnn Sedoriosa, APMA student member representing Scholl College
Pooja A. Patel, APMA student member representing Kent State
Brian Price, APMA student member representing Lake Erie College
Mallory Ocanas, APMA student member representing NYCPM
TBD, APMA student member representing Samuel Merritt University
TBD, APMA student member representing TUSPM
Jessica Sima, APMA student member representing UTRGV
Carrissa Smith, APMA student member representing Western University
Staff Liaison: Tiffany A. Kildale, CAE and Julia Jacobson
Charge: Responsible for reviewing and strategizing ways to enrich APMA’s student engagement and outreach as outlined in the two pillars of engagement, at the recommendation of the APMA College Visit Task Force:
Pillar I: Board Representation at the Colleges
Pillar II: Virtual Student Outreach and Engagement
Both pillars work in tandem to complement one another and provide multiple touchpoints with students throughout the year while offering a robust and multifaceted experience with APMA that captures the two most valued cornerstones of support: board member interaction and virtual connections.
Work Load: Assigned tasks to complete between meetings, which primarily involve collaborative brainstorming with other students.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Bi-monthly, one-hour virtual meetings in the evening.
Specific questions related to the Student Engagement Committee should be directed to Tiffany A. Kildale, CAE.
CHAIR: Lauren A. Wurster, DPM, Young Physician Member, APMA Board of Trustees
Arwa Akram, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to the DEI Committee
Timothy J. Miller, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to the Education Committee
Nicholas R. Butler, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to the Communications Committee
Sara Davidovich, DPM, Podiatric Population Health Committee
Samuel R. Gorelik, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to the LC
Timothy P. Cheung, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to CPAAG
Jennifer A. Skolnik, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to Research Committee
Selin S. Ruggieri, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to HPPC
Brennen L. O'Dell, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to Membership Committee
Zack K. Janes, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to Coding Committee
OBSERVER: Rami Basatneh, DPM, Young Physician Liaison to APMAPAC
Staff Liaisons: Julia Jacobson and Tiffany A. Kildale, CAE
Charge: The Young Physician Leadership Panel (YPLP) is comprised of the designated young physicians who serve as APMA committee members, the Young Physician Member of the APMA Board of Trustees, and the liaison to the Council of Teaching Hospitals (COTH). These young physician committee members and liaisons unite to discuss issues and report back to each other, serving as the steering committee of the Young Physicians Program. The coordinator of the group is the Young Physician Member of the Board of Trustees.
Work Load: The majority of the tasks are focused on the ELP program and various sub-group projects associated with it.
Frequency of Meeting/Average Work Volume: Bi-monthly, one hour in the evening. Meetings depending on the timing of YPI, if the group is able to coordinate an informal in-person event at The National.
Specific questions related to the Young Physician Leadership Panel should be directed to Julia Jacobson.